Settlement of disputes
In conformity with order no. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015 and decree of application no. 2015-1382 of 30 October 2015, any disagreement or dispute described as a “consumer dispute”, subject to article L.152-2 of the Consumer Code, may be resolved amicably through mediation with the CMAP – Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris. Disputes that may not be reviewed by the mediator include those for which the request is clearly unfounded or abusive, those which have been previously examined or are being examined by another mediator or by a court, those for which the consumer has presented his request to the mediator beyond a period of one year following his written complaint to APPART’CITY, disputes which do not enter into the field of expertise of the mediator or, lastly, disputes for which the consumer does not demonstrate having first attempted to resolve the matter directly with APPART’CITY by sending a complaint in writing.

To submit a complaint to the mediator, you must :
- Complete the form at the CMAP website: heading “You are: a consumer”
- Send your request by simple or registered letter to CMAP Médiation Consommation, 39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 PARIS
- Send an email to .
Regardless of the method you use to refer your case to the CMAP, your application must contain the following information if it is to be processed quickly:
- Your postal address
- Email and telephone number, as well as the name and complete address of the APPART’CITY establishment where you stayed
- A succinct statement of the facts
- Proof of having first attempted to resolve the matter with APPART’CITY.